CBSE Class 11 & 12 Computer Science and Informatics Practices Python Materials, Video Lecture


Class 11 Computer Science Study Material


UNIT - 1 Computer system and organization

  1. Introduction to computer and Input/Output Device
  2. Components of a Computer System 
  3. Computer Memory
  4. Software - Purpose and Types
  5. Memory Units and Number System
  6. Boolean Logic and De Morgans Law

UNIT - 2  Computational Thinking and programming 

  1. How to Download and install Python
  2. Basics/Features/History of Python programming
  3. Assembler/Compiler/Interpreter and Script/Interactive modes
  4. Python Tokens (Keywords/Identifiers/Operators/Literal/Punctuators)
  5. Data Types (Number/String/List/Tuple/Dictionary)
  6. Variables And Memory Addresses In Python
  7. Comments (Single/Multiline/Continuation)
  8. Errors (Syntax/Run time/Logical error)
  9. Conditional Statement(if/if else/if elif else condition)
  10. Strings data type
    1. String Definition (Traversal and Operations)
    2. String Methods
    3. String Slicing
  11. Lists data type
    1. List Definition(Traversal and Operations)
    2. List Methods
    3. List Slicing
  12. Tuples data type
    1. Tuples Definition (Traversal and Operations)
    2. Tuples Methods
    3. Tuples Slicing
  13. Dictionary data type
    1. Dictionary Definition (Traversal and Operations)
    2. Dictionary Method
  14. Math Module
  15. Random Module
  16. Statistics Module

UNIT - 3 Society, Law and Ethics

  1. Cyber Safety and Security 
  2. Usage of social networks
  3. Safely accessing web sites〈adware, malware, viruses, trojans〉
  4. Intellectual property rights
  5. Plagiarism
  6. Privacy Laws 〈fraud/IT act〉
  7. Technology and society

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