UNIT - 1: Data Handling using Pandas
- Introduction to Python libraries
- Data structures in Pandas - Series and Data Frames.
- Series
- Creation of Series from – ndarray, dictionary, scalar value
- Mathematical operations on Series
- Head and Tail functions
- Accessing Series Elements
- Modifying Series Elements
- Series Attributes
- Series Methods
- Data Frames
- Creation - from the dictionary of Series, list of dictionaries, Text/CSV files
- Display the DataFrame
- Iteration over DataFrame
- Operations on rows and columns of DataFrame - add, select, delete, rename
- Head and Tail functions
- Indexing using Labels
- Boolean Indexing
- Importing/Exporting Data between CSV files and Data Frames
- Dataframe Methods
- NaN Values in Python Pandas
- Data Visualization
UNIT - 2: Database Query using SQL
UNIT - 3: Introduction to Computer Network
- Computer Network LAN, MAN, WAN
- Network Devices
- Network Topology
- Introduction to the Internet
- website Introduction
- Web Browser