- What is a Function? Explain with full programming Example?
- Explain the use of “return Keyword” in function? What will happen if we do not write “return”?
- What are Keyword (Named) arguments in a function? Explain with full programming example?
- What is Default argument in a function? Explain with full programming example?
- Write a program to find the greater of two numbers using function and return the greater number?
- What is argument in function? Write the difference between Actual and Formal arguments?
- Which definition of function is Valid write the reason:
- def interest(prin,time,rate=0.10)
- def interest(prin,time=2,rate)
- Write the output of the following code:
def increment(n): n.append([4,3]) return n L=[1,2,3,6] M=increment(L) print(L,M)
- Write definition of a Method AFIND(CITIES) to display all the city names from a list of CITIES, which are starting with alphabet A.
For example: If the list CITIES contains ["AHMEDABAD","CHENNAI","NEW DELHI","AMRITSAR","AGRA"] The following should get displayed AHEMDABAD AMRITSAR AGRA
- What is the output of the below program?
x = 40 def func(): global x print('x is', x) x = 2 print('Changed global x to', x) func() print('Value of x is', x) a) x is 40 b) x is 40 Changed global x to 2 Changed global x to 2 Value of x is 40 Value of x is 2 c) x is 40 d) None of the mentioned Changed global x to 40 Value of x is 40
- What is the output of the following code?
l=[] def convert(b): if(b==0): return l dig=b%2 l.append(dig) convert(b//2) convert(6) l.reverse() for i in l: print(i,end="") a) 011 b) 110 c) 3 d) Infinite loop
- Write a method/function ISTOUPCOUNT() in python to read contents from a text file WRITER.TXT, to count and display the occurrence of the word ‘‘IS’’ or ‘‘TO’’ or ‘‘UP’’.
For example: If the content of the file is IT IS UP TO US TO TAKE CARE OF OUR SURROUNDING. IT IS NOT POSSIBLE ONLY FOR THE GOVERNMENT TO TAKE RESPONSIBILITY The method/function should display Count of IS TO and UP is 6
- Write down the flow of execution with output (which line of code execute first and after and so on) for the code :
def power(b,p): r=b**p return r def CalcSquare(a): a=power(a,2) return a #_main_ n=5 result=CalSquare(n) print(result)
- What is the scope? What is the scope resolving rules of Python? Explain each with program and output.
- Rewrite the following Python code after removing all syntax error(s). Underline the correction done.
def main( ): r = input("Enter any radius : ") A -pi * maths.pow(r,2) Print("Area = "+a) Main()
- Explain the join() and replace() built-in function of python using Examples with output.
- Find the Output of the following Code:
def MIXITNOW(S): Size=len(S) for I in range(0,Size-1,2): WS=S[I] S[I]=S[I+1] S[I+1]=WS for I in range(1,Size,2): if(S[I]>='M' and S[I]<='U'): S[I]='@' Word=list('CRACKAJACK'); MIXITNOW(Word); print(Word)
- Write the difference between local and non-local variables. Explain using Example with Output.
- Write a function that takes a positive integer and returns the one’s position digit of that integer.
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