CBSE Class 11 & 12 Computer Science and Informatics Practices Python Materials, Video Lecture

What is Plagiarism and How to avoid it


Table of contents

  1. What is Plagiarism?
  2. Acts that involve Plagiarism
  3. How to Avoid Plagiarism

What is Plagiarism?

  • Plagiarism is stealing someone else’s intellectual work (can be an idea, literary work or academic work, etc.) and representing it as your own work without giving credit to the creator or without citing the source of information.
  • Plagiarism is an offense because it involves copyright infringement and not giving the credit to the author.

An act that involves plagiarism

  • Turning in someone else's work as your own
  • Copying words or ideas from someone else without giving credit
  • Failing to put a quotation in quotation marks
  • Giving incorrect information about the source of a quotation
  • Changing words but copying the sentence structure of a source without giving credit.

How to avoid plagiarism

You must give credit whenever you use:
  •  Another person’s idea, opinion, or theory
  • Quotation of another person’s actual spoken or written words
  • Paraphrases of another person’s spoken or written words

1 comment:

  1. try to capture web if necessary of palagrism
